
Aid Organizations & Disaster Control

The Importance of Disaster Simulations

It is obvious that Disasters pose immense challenges especially for emergency forces and aid organizations. In general, Disasters are unexpected extreme situations that can involve serious, far-reaching and, above all, unforeseeable human, social and infrastructural circumstances. The scene of disasters usually includes multiple medical tasks and operations that have to be carried out on a mobile and on-site basis.

Disasters do not announce themselves. Disaster control operations can therefore only be prepared with difficulty, if at all. They require the cooperation of a wide variety of institutions, medical rescue forces and aid organisations, which must be ready for action within a very short time. Because of these aggravating circumstances, the successful interaction of all those involved is crucial for the coordinated implementation of such operations. Teamwork and communication establish thereby the necessary structures to master such unstructured exceptional situations in the best possible way.

Disaster simulations must take the aggravating situational circumstances of disasters into account. They must authentically reproduce the logistical and communication factors and difficulties in order to provide the respective emergency forces and aid organizations with realistic training. Disaster simulations must prepare the emergency forces for the unforeseen; they must enable solutions to deal with it.

For this purpose, disaster simulations are absolutely essential to train and rehearse functioning team structures and procedures of the emergency forces. They create patterns that guarantee the safety of those involved; patterns that save lives. Modern technology - above all innovative AV technology - offers numerous possibilities to design such training in a precise, realistic and evaluable way.


The Added Value of AV simulations

AV simulations have become the absolute and necessary standard in the professional training of rescue forces. Especially in the field of professional disaster simulation, AV technology offers numerous advantages to enable training that is as close to reality as possible. The flexible modular structure of AV simulations allows the controlled design of the most diverse simulation scenarios, which can be equipped with the necessary hardware and devices according to requirements. With SIMStation's product lines, this can be done either as an in-situ simulation or as a specially constructed simulation center, depending on the needs and objectives.

SIMStation not only enables the targeted setup of multiple simulation scenarios, but due to the advanced AV recording technology the simulation data can also be viewed and transmitted at any time - in separate control and debriefing rooms. Perfect insight and overview: This applies to both the high-quality video and audio transmission, which can be precisely coordinated in terms of perspective, channel and composition. AV technology intelligently networks the individual simulation aspects with each other and thus allows the processes and communication structures of the operation to be displayed and evaluated in their entirety.

Thanks to the SIMStation software, this functional simulation setup can be extended by numerous other aspects. For example, when designing the simulation scenario, any number of contents - from audiovisual content to patient-related multimedia data such as X-rays or ultrasound images to virtual learning environments (VR, AR) - can be pre-integrated into the scenario and played back in a completely planned manner. Simultaneous integration of checklists and annotations by instructors is also very quick and easy to handle.

The possibility of tracking people has also proved to be particularly interesting for the simulation of disaster operations. Using locator nodes and visual computing, the positions of the participants can be precisely tracked and displayed as a totality of the movement sequences. Coupled with portable devices that transmit vital data of the simulation participants (such as pulse and blood pressure), all the parameter of the simulation can thus be recorded, tracked and evaluated in a completely data-related manner. With all this, AV simulations realize a significant training advance that can make the decisive difference in a real emergency.

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  • Can be equipped with an unlimited number of audio & video devices, computers & tablets

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